Steven E. Hendrix
Professional Journal Publications
The New Nicaragua: Lessons in Development, Democracy and Nation-building for the United States (Praeger Publishing, 2009). Reviews posted with Foreign Affairs Magazine, Barnes & Noble, and the Foreign Service Journal. Book is available from Prager Security Publishing - Greenwood.
Innovation in Latin American Property Law: Reviews of Peru, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua (actual title in Spanish: Innovaciones a la legislación agraria en América Latina: Los casos de Perú, Honduras, México y Nicaragua) (1994), awarded Second Prize by the Inter-American Bar Association (Federacion Interamericana de Abogados) in its 1993-4 Annual Book Review. Pages 1-15; Pages 16-35; Pages 36-55; Pages 56-75; Pages 76-93; and Pages 94-105.
Chapters Contributed to Books:
"Paraguay’s Poverty Spotlight: Focusing on Women and Markets for Innovation, Tangible Success," in U.S. Agency for International Development, Frontiers in Development 26 (2014).
"Becoming a Rule of Law Practitioner," in Lelia Mooney, American Bar Association Section of International Law, Promoting the Rule of Law: A Practitioner's Guide to Key Issues and Developments 235 (2013).
"Historical Lessons on Judicial Independence" (actual title in Spanish: Enseñanzas históricas de la independencia judicial), USAID/Nicaragua Rule of Law Program, Semana en Pro de la Independencia Judicial y la Confianza en la Justicia, Jornada 2006 (2006) 69.
"Guatemala," 2 Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social and Cultural Encyclopedia 613 (2002).
"Bolivia," 1 Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social and Cultural Encyclopedia 169 (2002)
Introduction to Raquel Z. Yrigoyen Fajardo, Justicia y multilinguismo (2001).
"Land Records Management in the Context of Hemispheric Trade Integration in the Americas," in Federation Internationale des Geometres (FIG), Developing the Profession in a Developing World 202 (1996).
"Regional Experiences with Registry and Cadastral Modernization: Successes and Failures," (actual title in Spanish: "Experiencias Regionales con la Modernización de Registros y Catastros: Éxitos y Fracasos"), printed in Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible, Secr. Nacional de Planificacion, Catastro: Mercado de tierras y registro de la propiedad en Bolivia 41 (1995)
"Options Menu for Liberating Land Markets," (actual title in Spanish: "Menú de Opciones para Liberar un Mercado de Tierras"), printed in Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible, Secr. Nacional de Planificacion, Catastro: Mercado de tierras y registro de la propiedad en Bolivia 121 (1995).
"Land Tenure Innovations in Latin America" (actual Spanish title: "Innovaciones en la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina") (La Paz, Bolivia, Jan. 1994) printed in Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible, Secr. Nacional de Planificacion, Hacia una nueva Legislación Agraria 189 (1994).
"Status of Land Tenure in Latin America" (actual title in Spanish: "Situación legal de la tenencia de la tierra en Latinoamérica"), in El Derecho Nicaragüense de la Propiedad Después de la Reforma Agraria 97 (1992).
"Formation of Agricultural Organizations under Honduras' new 'Law for the Modernization and Development of the Agricultural Sector'" (actual title in Spanish: "Organización legal de entidades agrarias en Honduras con la nueva 'Ley para la modernización y el desarrollo del sector agrícola'")in El Derecho Nicaraguense de la Propiedad Después de la Reforma Agraria 107 (1992).
Law Review and Professional Journal Publications:
USAID: A Critical National Security Tool, 101:8 Foreign Service Journal 20 (October 2024).
It’s Time to Rethink U.S.-Colombia Relations, Americas Quarterly (Sept 30, 2024).
USAID Introduces Landmark Rule of Law Policy: A Pragmatic Approach to Global Development, 51:3 International Law News 20 (2024).
Inside USAID's Policy Framework, Society for International Development (2023)
USAID's Climate Strategy, 2022-2030, 51:1 International Law News (2023)​
U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability Under the 2019 Global Fragility Act, 50:4 International Law News (2023)
How Venezuela Lost the Rule of Law (and how to get it back), 48:3 International Law News 4 (2021).
Combating Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Nigeria: Defining a New Approach to Winning Modern Jihadist Conflict, 49:3 International Lawyer 427 (Winter 2016).
Institutional Capacity Building and Legal Reform in Iraq: Toward Innovation and Public Administration Modernization, 6 Law & Development Review 225 (2013).
The Merida Initiative for Mexico and Central America: The New Paradigm for Security Cooperation, Attacking Organized Crime, Corruption and Violence, 5 Loyola International Law Review 107 (2008). Pages107-114, Pages 115-125.
New Approaches to Addressing Corruption in the Context of U.S. Foreign Assistance with Examples from Latin America and the Caribbean, 12 Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas 1 (2005).
Restructuring Legal Education in Guatemala: A Model for Law School Reform in Latin America, 54 Journal of Legal Education 597 (2004).
Intra-family Violence and Representation of Clients (actual title in Spanish: La violencia intrafamiliar y la representación de clientes), 21 Revista Centroamericana Justicia Penal y Social 1 (2004).
Guatemalan Justice Centers: The Centerpiece for Advancing Transparency, Efficiency, Due Process and Access to Justice (actual title in Spanish:"Centros de Justicia" guatemaltecos: la piedra angular para avanzar en la transparencia, eficiencia, debido proceso y acceso a la justicia), 37 Revista Instituto Inter-Americano de los Derechos Humanos 249 (2003). Pages 249-263, Pages 264-279, and Pages 280-297.
Hendrix & Ferrigno, Dispute Settlement and Customary Indigenous Legal Practice in a Multicultural Guatemala: Empirical Data on Conflict Resolution and Strategies to Advance Access to justice in Rural Areas, 6 Sistemas Judiciales 108 (2003).
USAID Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law in Latin America and the Caribbean, 9 Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas 277 (2003). Pages 277-299 and Pages 300-320.
Lessons from Guatemala: US Foreign Policy and the Rule of Law, 23:4 Harvard International Review 14 (2002).
The Right to Public Defense (actual title in Spanish: El derecho de defensa), 4 Revista Jurídica de la Facultad de Derecho Universidad Rafael Landvar 21 (2002).
Innovation in Criminal Procedure in Latin America: Guatemalan Conversion to an Adversarial System (actual title in Spanish: Innovación en el procedimiento penal en America Latina: Conversión de Guatemala al Sistema Acusatorio), 16 Revista Centroamericana Justicia Penal y Social 155 (2002). Pages 155-173; Pages 174-193; and Pages 194-215.
Reflections on Constitutional Cassation Litigation in Guatemala (actual title in Spanish: Reflexiones sobre la Casación en Guatemala), 1 Revista del Defensor Público 49 (2002).
The Internet, Access to Justice and Legal Development (actual title in Spanish: La Internet, acceso a la justicia y el desarrollo legal), 1 Facti Novarum 16 (2001).
Judicial Independence in the United States (actual title in Spanish: La independencia judicial en los Estados Unidos), 15 Revista Centroamericana Justicia Penal y Sociedad 113 (2001)
Guatemalan "Justice Centers": The Centerpiece for Advancing Transparency, Efficiency, Due Process and Justice Access, 15:4 American University International Law Review 101 (2000). Pages 813-831, Pages 832-851 and Pages 852-867.
Helping Guatemalans Get Their Day in Court, 40:6 Front Lines 14 (2000).
Use of Evidence in Oral Advocacy in the United States (Actual title in Spanish: Uso de Pruebas en el Proceso Oral en los Estados Unidos de América), 3 Cuaderno del Defensor Público 26 (2000).
Implementation of the Santiago Summit Plan of Action in the field: A look at USAID's Programs in Education, Democracy, Trade Integration, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Guatemala, 7 Currents: International Trade L. Journal 44 (1998).
Innovation in Criminal Procedure in Latin America: Guatemala's Conversion to the Adversarial System, 5 Southwestern Journal of Law & Trade in the Americas 365 (1998). Pages 365-391, Pages 392-405, and Pages 406-419.
Hendrix and Rockcliffe, The Deeds Registry in Guyana and Its Legal and Institutional Framework with Recommendations for Promoting Transaction Efficiency, 15 Journal of Land Use Policy 67 (1998).
Cuban Expropriation Legislation in the Latin American Context, 16 Development Policy Review 189 (June 1998).
Hendrix & Mann, Essay on the Free Trade Area of the Americas, 28 Inter-American Law Review 697 (1997).
Advancing Toward Privatization, Education Reform, Popular Participation and Decentralization: Bolivia's Innovation in Legal and Economic Reform, 1993-1997, 14 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 679 (1997). Pages 679-699, and Pages 700-713.
Land Tenure Administration in the Context of Hemispheric Trade Integration in the Americas, 15 Development Policy Review 297 (No. 3, 1997).
Pride of Ownership: Land Tenure and Conflict Resolution, 19 Harvard International Review 40 (Winter, 1997).
Legislative Reform of Property Ownership in Kazakhstan, 15 Development Policy Review 159 (No. 2, 1997).
International GIS Legal Context Changing Rapidly, 3 GIS Law 1 (Winter 1997).
Land Tenure in Guatemala, 3 GIS Law 7 (Winter 1997).
Tensions in Cuban Property Law, 20 Hastings International & Comparative Law Review 1 (1996). Pages 1-17; Pages 18-37; Pages 38-57; Pages 58-79; and Pages 80-101.
Testing the de Soto Theory for Property Records Modernization: An Evaluation of the Model and its Application in El Salvador with Lessons Learned, 8 Journal of the Urban & Regional Information Systems Association (URISA Journal) 63 (1996).
Hendrix & Logan, Cadastral and Property Registry Modernization: Ideas on Public-Private Partnerships, 50 Geomatica 59 (1996).
Thiesenhusen & Hendrix, Poverty and Progress: The Cases of El Salvador and Nicaragua, 17 Harvard International Review 16 (Spring, 1995).
Tenure Insecurity in Venezuela: Empirical Data on the Failure of Cadastral and Registry Systems in the Reformed Agrarian Sector, 55 Surv. & Land Info. Syst. 92 (1995).
Hendrix, Perez Perazzo & Paredes, Venezuelan Agricultural Land Grants (actual title in Spanish: Dotaciones Agrarias en Venezuela) 84 Boletin Mexicana de Derecho Comparado 1001 (1995). Pages 1001-1017; Pages 1018-1039.
Myths of Property Rights, 12 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 183 (1995). Pages 183-201 and Pages 202-223.
Property Law Innovation in Latin America with Recommendations, 28 Boston College International & Comparative Law Review 1 (1995). Pages 1-14, Pages 15-29, Pages 30-44, and Pages 45-54. An earlier working paper of this same article appeared as: Property Law Innovation in Latin America with Recommendations, Land Tenure Center Paper 149 (May 1993)
An Introduction to Registry-Cadastral Systems and Their Modernization; 30 Comparative Juridical Review 3 (1994) Pages 3-15 and Pages 16-29. Spanish version of this same article: Una Introducción al Sistema Registro-Catastro y Su Modernización, 30 Comparative Juridical Review 31 (1994), Pages 31-45 and Pages 46-59.
Stanfield & Hendrix, Ownership Insecurity in Nicaragua, 22 Capital University Law Review 939 (1993).
The Crisis of Land Law and Policy in Nicaragua, 29 Comparative Juridical Review. 3 (1992). Pages 3-1, and Pages 13-24. Spanish version of this same article: La Crisis Política y Derecho Inmobiliario en Nicaragua, 29 Comparative Juridical Review. 25 (1992). Pages 25-34 and Pages 35-44.
The Caribbean Basin Initiative, Corporate Report Wisconsin. 59 (Aug., 1991).
The Enterprise for the Americas and Debt Reduction (exact title in Spanish: Iniciativa Bush y reducción de deuda), 39 Dinero 69 (1991).
Political risk and International Business, Wisconsin International Trade 8 (May, 1991).
Legal aspects of doing business in Egypt, Wisconsin International Trade 18 (March, 1991).
Financing agricultural exports: Legal and other considerations, Wisconsin International Trade 14 (Jan., 1991).
How to Create a Corporation in the United States (exact title in Spanish: Como crear empresas en Estados Unidos), 37 Dinero 147 (1991).
Eximbank: Master Agreements set to exclude lawyers?, International Financial Law Review 23 (March, 1990).
Venezuela: Private Sector Debt Swaps, International Financial Law Review 37 (June, 1990).
Political Risk Insurance (actual Spanish title: El seguro de riesgo político), 29 Dinero 21 (1990).
Legal Issues of the Export-Import Bank: Considerations of the Exporter (part 1 and part 2), Wisconsin International Trade 16 (March, 1990), 14 (May, 1990).
A Review of Argentine and Ecuadorian Tax Law Regarding Transfer Pricing and Recommendations for Improving Ecuador's Approach, 20 Inter-American Law Review. 283 (1989). Pages 283-299, Pages 300-320.
Drug Stops and Searches: United States Jurisprudence (actual title in Spanish: Registro de Ciudadanos para inspeccionar para drogas: jurisprudencia de los EE.UU.) Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de La Paz (2007).
Guatemalan Peace Survival, prepared for the U.S. Mission Country Team retreat, U.S. Embassy, Guatemala City(Jan. 2000).
Legal Structures for the Management of Land-Based Common Property Natural Resources in Latin America, LAC TECH Bulletin, U.S. Agency for International Development, July 1996.
Hendrix, Ventura, Gage & Leisz, USAID/LAC Seminar: The Use of Spatial Information Technologies in Land Administration and Land Tenure, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, June 1996. Select Chapters: Table of Contents and Seminar Announcement, Session 1 and Long Term Strategy and Implementation Plan for Common Approaches to Land Records Management, Session V and Geographic Information Sciences, and The Use of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing Technologies in Analyzing Land and Natural Resource Tenure Issues.
Stanley, Hendrix & Leisz, Land Information Sources in Latin America, Vol. 1: Introduction and Mexico and Caribbean Countries, Vol. 2: Central American Countries, Vol. 3: South American Countries, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, June 1996. Select Chapters: From Volume 1: Introduction, Policy Overview and Technical Overview, Mexico, Guyana Part 1, and Guyana Part 2. From Volume 2: Costa Rica. From Volume 3: Argentina and Venezuela.
Weiss, Hendrix, Bailey & Stewart, New Certification Procedures and their Likely Effects on Small Farmers and Agroenterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean, LAC TECH Project Report, U.S. Agency for International Development, September 1995. Pages 1-6, Pages 7-14, Pages 15-24.
Stewart & Hendrix, Proceedings from the Planning Retreat for the Deeds Registry in Guyana: September 5-6, 1995, Georgetown, Guyana, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, September 1995. Introduction-Page 7, Pages 8-19, and Pages 20-30.
Hendrix & Leisz, Land Registration for the Urban Poor in Nicaragua: A Status Report with Recommendations, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, prepared at the request of the Government of Nicaragua Ministry of Finance, the United Nations Development Programme, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Latin America and Caribbean Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Development, July 1995. Introduction-Page 7, Pages 8-20, Pages 21-33, Pages 34-45, Pages 46-A9, Pages A10-17, Annex - Progressive Urban Cadasters, Annex Aerial Photography Technical Specifications, Annex Aerial Photography (continued), and Property Indexing -Appendix V.
McCoy, Carroll, Elliott, Hendrix & Yarn, Nicaragua Property Disputes, Working Paper prepared for the United Nations Development Program, The Carter Presidential Center of Emory University, April 1995. Introduction-Page 8, Pages 9-19, Pages 20-27, Pages 28-34, and Pages 35-43.
Tenure and Development Strategy, LAC TECH Bulletin, U.S. Agency for International Development, Sept. 1994.
Hendrix & Rockcliffe, The Deeds Registry in Guyana and Its Legal and Institutional Framework: Views Toward Promoting Transaction Efficiency, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, report prepared for and submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, under the terms of reference for the Land and Institutional Framework for Land Transports Agriculture Sector Loan (GY-0016), July 1994. Introduction-Page 7, Page 8-21, Pages 22-A34, Pages B35-D48, Pages D49-H2, Annex Deeds Registry Law, Annex Fees, Annex Revised Fees-Deeds Registry Law 8, Deeds Registry Law 9-22, Deeds Registry Law 23-36, Deeds Registry Law 37-49, Land Registry Act 1-13, Land Registry Act 14-26, Land Registry Act 27-39, Land Registry Act 40-52, Land Registry Act 53-65, Land Registry Act 66-78, Land Registry Act 78A-85, and Land Registry Act 86-91.
Hendrix and Perez Perazzo, Legal Review of the Public Registries in Venezuela and their Relation with the Cadastre and Agrarian Reform (actual title in Spanish: Evaluacion Jurídica de los Registros Públicos en Venezuela y su Relación con el Catastro y la Reforma Agraria), University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, December 1993.
Interplay among Land Law and Policy, the Environment, the War on Drugs, Narco-terrorism and Democratization: Perspectives on Peru's Upper Huallaga Valley, University of Wisconsin, Land Tenure Center Paper 151, July 1993. Pages 1-4, Pages 5-15, Pages 16-24, Pages 25-33, and Pages 34-41.
Sustainable Development, Policy Reform and Tenure Security: Combining People, Technology and Information through Land Information Systems, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, prepared for the U.S. Agency for International Development, Latin America and Caribbean Bureau (1993)
Hendrix & Moyer, Multipurpose Land Information Systems: Design and Modernization, LAC TECH Bulletin, U.S. Agency for International Development, July 1993.
Land Tenure in Guyana: A Rapid Appraisal Report with Recommendations on Policy Formulation and Registry Modernization for the A.I.D. P.L. 480 Program, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center and the LAC TECH Project, U.S. Agency for International Development, June 1993. Introduction - Page 7, Pages 8-22, Pages 23-35 and Pages 36-49.
Progress Toward Tenure Benchmarks Under the USAID/Bolivia P.L. 480 Program and Recommendations for Future Action, LAC TECH Project, U.S. Agency for International Development, May 25, 1993. Pages 1-8 and Pages 9-17.
Hendrix, Moyer & Strochlic, Land Registry Reform in Guatemala: A Status Report with Recommendations, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center - LAC TECH Project, U.S. Agency for International Development, June 1992. Introduction-Page 4, Pages 5-12, Pages 13-24, Pages 25-34, Pages 35-A2, Pages B1-C3. Spanish text: La Reforma del Registro de la Propiedad en Guatemala: Informe de Situacion con Recomendaciones. Introduction-Page 3, Pages 4-9, Pages 10-21, Pages 22-33, Pages 34-41, and Pages A1-C1.
Bale, Coleman, Hendrix & Smith, Venezuela: Land Markets, Land Reform, and Rural Land Ownership, The World Bank, 1992. Introduction-Page 5, Pages 6-27, Pages 28-47, and Pages 48-65.
Land Markets, Property Rights and Rural Land Ownership in Venezuela: Legal Issues, University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center (Feb. 1992).
Venezuelan Law Manual (Actual title in Spanish: Manual de Derecho Venezolano), University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, 1991. Introduccion, Derecho Civil I - Personas 1-9, Derecho Civil I - Personas 10-18, Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Penal 1-12, Derecho Penal 13-24, Derecho Penal - Parte Especial 1-9, Derecho Penal Parte Especial 10-18, Derecho Mercantil - Seguros 1-14, Derecho Mercantil - Seguros 15-27, Derecho Procesal Penal 1-15, Derecho Procesal Penal 16-30, Derecho Procesal Penal 31-45, Derecho Procesal Civil 1-14, Derecho Procesal Civil 15-29, Derecho Procesal Civil 30-44, Derecho Procesal Civil 45-53, Diagrama - Derecho Procesal Civil, Derecho del Trabajo (Derecho Laboral) 1-9, Derecho del Trabajo 10-18, Derecho Civil II - Obligaciones 1-9, Derecho Civil II - Obligaciones 10-20, Derecho Civil III - Contratos y Garantías 1-14, Derecho Civil III - Contratos y Garantías 15-29, Derecho Civil III - Contratos y Garantías 30-41, Finanzas Públicas, Impuestos 1-10, Impuestos 11-19, Quiebra 1-14, Quiebra 15-27, Derecho Marítimo, Derecho Administrativo, Derecho Administrativo (a continuación), Referencias.
LAC TECH/DESFIL Technical Team, Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Guatemala: A Concept Paper, U.S. Agency for International Development (1991). Introduction and Problem Statement, Opportunities for Problem Resolution and Land Tenure, Technical Options, Technical Options (continued) and Tropical Forestry Action Plan for Guatemala and Bibliography.
Mexico: A Nation in Crisis, University of Wisconsin (1988). Pages 1-9, Pages 10-22, Pages 23-35, and Pages 36-44.
Profile of Civil Litigation in Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Law School (1987). Text, and Notes and Data Tables.
A Closer Look at Post-Verdict Bargaining, University of Wisconsin Law School (1986). Pages 1-14, Pages 15-24 and Exhibits.
Potentials for Economic Development in the Third World: A Look to Theoretical Views and an Empirical Study, The Law and Modernization in the Developing World Seminar, University of Wisconsin Law School (1986). Pages 1-12, Pages 13-26, Pages 27-35, and Tables.
The Ambiguity of Jurisdiction: Dispute Resolution in the Americas, Latin America Social and Legal Problems Seminar, University of Wisconsin Law School (1985). Pages 1-14, Pages 15-27, and Pages 28-39.
Is What You See What You Get?: Perspectives on Post-Verdict Bargaining, The Disputes Processing Seminar, University of Wisconsin Law School (1985). Pages 1-14, Pages 15-28, and Pages 29-42.
Aspects of Labor Economics, Carroll College (1984). Introduction, Minimum Wage, Search Theory, The Phillips Relationship and Search Theory, Implicit Contract Theory, and Conclusions.
Literary Analysis of Camilio José Cela and Ignacio Aldecoa (actual title in Spanish: Investigaciones de Cela y Aldecoa), Carroll College (1983). Pages 1-13, and Pages 14-26.
Regulations and Government Publications
Co-author, Dekleptification Guide: Seizing Windows of Opportunity to Dismantle Kleptocracy, U.S. Agency for International Development (September 2022)
Co-author, USAID/Nigeria Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2015 - 2019, U.S. Agency for International Development (2015)
Co-author, Paraguay Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2014-2020, U.S. Agency for International Development (2013)
Foreign Assistance and Transformational Diplomacy - Nicaragua, U.S. Department of State, June 2006. (Document used to establish the U.S. governments strategy for the coming year, recognized by the Assistant Secretary as a model for the rest of the Western Hemisphere).
Co-author, Guidance on Assistance for Civilian Policing, U.S. Agency for International Development (2006).
Co-author, USAID Fragile States Strategy, U.S. Agency for International Development (2005).
Co-author, USAID Anticorruption Strategy, U.S. Agency for International Development (2005). Version also published in Spanish: Estrategia de USAID contra la corrupcion (2005). Spanish version - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 ,Part 4.
LAC Regional Democracy Initiatives, in U.S. Agency for International Development, Budget Justification to the Congress, Fiscal Year 2005, Annex IV Latin America and the Caribbean 356-358 (2004).
LAC Regional Democracy Initiatives, in U.S. Agency for International Development, Budget Justification to the Congress, Fiscal Year 2004, Annex IV Latin America and the Caribbean 385-387 (2003).
USAID Comments on the GAO Draft Report, General Accounting Office, Foreign Assistance: U.S. Democracy Programs In Six Latin American Countries Have Yielded Modest Results (March 2003, GAO-03-358) 107-114.
Co-author, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, Making Markets Work for the Rural Poor (Dec. 1994).
Internal Regulations for the Export-Import Bank for the processing of cases suspected of fraud (1989).
Internal Regulations for Suspension and Debarment for the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (1989).
Freedom of Information Act Regulations for the Export-Import Bank of the U.S., 52 Fed. Reg. 37,436 (1987) (codified at 12 C.F.R. Section 404).
Published Seminar Presentations
"Political Finance: Critical Issue for Democracy" (actual title in Spanish: El Financimiento Político: un asunto central para la democracia), Second International Conference on Political Party Finance, Managua, Nicaragua, July 28, 2006).
"Assessing the Role of Multilateral and Bilateral Organizations in Central American Registry Reform: Lessons from the Past and Prospects for the Future," printed in Property Registration Systems in Central America: A Conference to Discuss Progress and Prospects for Reform (Harvard University, March 17-19, 1999)
"Land Appropriation Policies of Latin American Countries: A Comparative Analysis," printed in Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Review Symposium Materials, The Helms-Burton Act: Domestic Initiatives & Foreign Responses 1 (Jan. 25, 1997).
"Strategies for Access to Housing through People, Information and Technology" (actual title in Spanish: "Estratgias para Acceso a la Vivienda con la Gente, Información y Tecnología")(Aug. 1993)(presented at the VIII Meeting, Lat. Amer. & Caribbean Network of Housing, Service and Urban Environmental Institutions, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) printed in monograph form by the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin. Pages 1-10, and Pages 11-25.
Other Seminar Presentations
Colombia Alternative Development, European Union - United States Drug Dialogue, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Feb. 3, 2022.
Peru Alternative Development, Euopean Union - United States Drug Dialogue, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Feb. 3, 2022.
Opening Remarks, Bolivia Digital Trade Dialogue, Alliance for eTrade Development, Feb. 18, 2022.
USAID Resiliency in Northern Ghana Lessons Learned, Workshop, Tamale, Northern Region, Ghana, Aug. 29, 2019.
Opening Remarks, Workshop on Improving Nutrition Services in the Care of the Ill and Vulnerable Newborn and Child, Accra, Ghana, Oct. 30, 2018
Keynote Remarks - Trade Africa Impact Results, Trade Africa Learning Event, Accra, Ghana, Oct. 24, 2018.
Opening Remarks, USAID/Ghana Agriculture Policy Support Project (APSP) Knowledge Sharing and Learning Forum, Accra, Ghana, Aug. 15, 2018.
Closing Remarks, 2017 Conference on Fisheries and Coastal Environment with the University of Cape Coast (College of Physicians and Surgeons) Accra, Sept. 27, 2017.
Opening Remarks, 2017 Agricultural Policy Research Summit, Accra, Ghana, Aug. 15, 2017.
U.S. Delegation Remarks, Iraq Health Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, Feb. 19-20, 2009.
Agrarian Reform Policy: USAID's Experience, Agrarian Reform Lessons from the Past, Future Policy (Inter-American Development Bank, 2007).
The Role of Public Defense (actual Spanish title: El reto de la defensa pública), Seventh Anniversary of Public Defense in Nicaragua Congreso of Public Defenders, Managua, Nicaragua, Sept. 29, 2006.
Suitability, Independence and Ethics of Judges and Justices within the Rule of Law (actual Spanish title: Ideoneidad, independencia y ética de Jueces y Magistrados en un Estado de Derecho - Enseñanzas históricas de la independencia judicial), Judicial Independence Week, Univ. of Saint Thomas of the Orient, Granada, Nicaragua, Aug. 31, 2006.
Inaugural Remarks (in Spanish), First Training of Mediators for the Mediation Center at the Catholic University (UNICA), Managua, Nicaragua, Feb. 10, 2006
Terrorism, the Patriot Law and the New Foreign Policy of the United States (actual Spanish title: El terrorismo, la Ley Patriota, y la nueva política exterior de los Estados Unidos) San Carlos University Opening Convocation Lecture. Guatemala, Jan. 14, 2002.
Remarks at the Third Anniversary of the Founding of the Public Defense Institute of Guatemala (in Spanish), July 13, 2001.
Keynote Remarks to the Opening of the Justice Center (Centro de Justicia) in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, 2001.
Justice Center Inauguration (remarks in Spanish), Chiquimula, Guatemala, June 26, 2001
Judicial Independence (remarks in Spanish), Guatemala City, March 8, 2001
Cassation in Guatemala (Spanish title: La Casación en Guatemala ) Guatemala City, March 31, 2000. Keynote presentation at the Annual Convention of Public Defenders, Seminar on Cassation, Criminal Public Defense Institute, Government of Guatemala.
Inaugural Remarks to the Instituto de Defensa Pública Penal (in Spanish), Guatemala City, January 26, 2000.
"Regional Experiences with Registry Modernization" (actual Spanish title: "Unas Experiencias Regionales con la Modernización de Registros") San Salvador, May 1994. Presented at the Seminar on Registry Modernization, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Government of El Salvador. Similar presentations were made for Ministries in Bolivia and the Dominican Republic.
"Land Records Management in the Context of Hemispheric Trade Integration in the Americas," Presented at the Orlando Land Tenure Conference, University of Florida (Nov. 12-14, 1996).
"Modernización del Derecho de la Propiedad en Latinoamérica," University of Wisconsin Land Tenure Center, prepared for the 30th Conference, Federacion Interamericana de Abogados, Santiago, Chile, April 19-24, 1993. Pages 1-14, and Pages 15-28. English translation: "Property Law Modernization in Latin America," Inter-American Bar Association, Pages 1-12, and Pages 13-24.
"Status of Land Tenure in Latin America" (actual title in Spanish: "Situación Legal de la Tenencia de la Tierra en Latinoamerica") Feb. 5-6, 1992. Paper delivered at the Conference "Land Tenure in Ecuador," Quito, Ecuador.
"Modernization of the Property Registry in Guatemala" (actual title in Spanish: "La modernización del registro de la propiedad en Guatemala") Nov. 11-12, 1991. Paper delivered at the Seminar on "Transformations in Guatemalan Agriculture," Guatemala City, Guatemala.
"Land Law and Land Policy," June 9-14, 1991. Paper delivered at the Agriculture and Natural Resources Workshop, Agency for International Development, Annapolis, MD.
Newspaper Editorials
"The Importance of Reforming Nicaragua's Criminal Justice System" (actual title in Spanish: Importancia de la reforma del sistema penal nicaragüense), El Nuevo Diario (Managua, Nov. 17, 2006)
"Eliminating the Immorality of Corruption" (actual title in Spanish: Eliminar la podredumbre de la corrupción), El Nuevo Diario (Managua, Dec. 9, 2006).